Edge AI and Vision Product of the Year Awards

2025 Edge AI and Vision Product of the Year Awards

For enabling technologies

The Product of the Year Award program is open exclusively for our Alliance Member companies and recognizes the innovation and achievement of building-block technologies. All of these categories cover the full range of edge AI applications and technologies – not limited to just vision. For example, in the camera and sensor product category, any type of sensor data is eligible: images, audio, vibration, radar, lidar and the like. Entries are evaluated by a panel of independent industry experts awarding top honors to one company in each category.



Entry Benefits

    • Validation of your product leadership and innovation
      Judging by a panel of independent industry experts
    • Year-round promotion by the Edge AI and Vision Alliance
      Alliance home page and dedicated showcase page
      Press releases, social media and presentations
      Alliance newsletters with global distribution
      Awards ceremony at the Embedded Vision Summit
    • Collateral to promote your winning product
      Award ceremony video, winner graphic and trophy
    • Attend the Embedded Vision Summit, May 20-22, 2025
      Two free passes to attend the Embedded Vision Summit
      One invitation to attend the Executive Networking Reception

With all of these promotional opportunities, the return on investment for submitting an entry is off the charts! The winner for each category will hold the Edge AI and Vision Product of the Year Award title for a year, so you will enjoy many opportunities to reap the promotional benefits!

Judging Criteria

Edge AI and Vision Product of the Year Award winners are selected by an independent panel of judges, based on the following criteria:

  • Innovation. Describe your product, highlighting your innovation and unique features.
  • Differentiation. How does your product compare to the closest competitor?
  • Customer Impact. How does your product create new value for your customers? What does your product enable your customers to do that they could not do previously?
  • Market Impact. How has your product been received in the market? Provide links to press coverage, market research reports, customer usage, interviews, etc.

What is Edge AI and Vision?

“Edge AI and vision” refers to the practical use of artificial intelligence and computer vision in machines that perceive and understand their environment through visual and other means. 

By “edge AI,” we mean AI processing that occurs locally, whether on a chip, device or on-premise. We include hybrid approaches where some processing happens locally and some in the cloud. And we include edge devices that process all sorts of sensor data: images, audio, vibration, radar, lidar and the like. Examples of edge AI systems include a warehouse robot using cameras and lidar, a smart speaker with local wake word processing, an on-premise video recorder with object detection and tracking, and a radar-based hospital patient monitor that uses AI to detect breathing, movement and sleep. 

By “computer vision” we mean the use of algorithms and AI to extract meaning from images or video. Examples include motion and object tracking, defect detection (e.g., on an assembly line), pedestrian detection for automobiles, and location recognition and mapping from visual inputs.

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



Berkeley Design Technology, Inc.
PO Box #4446
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

Phone: +1 (925) 954-1411
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