Entertainment Applications for Embedded Vision

October 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Technical Presentation: “Feature Detection: How It Works, When to Use It, and a Sample Implementation,” Marco Jacobs, videantis
Marco Jacobs, Technical Marketing Director at videantis, presents the "Feature Detection: How It Works, When to Use It, and a Sample Implementation" tutorial within the "Object and Feature Detection" technical session at the October 2013 Embedded Vision Summit East. Feature detection and tracking are key components of many computer vision applications. In this talk, Jacobs

“Embedding Computer Vision in Everyday Life,” a Keynote Presentation from iRobot
Mario E. Munich, Vice President of Advanced Development at iRobot, presents the "Embedding Computer Vision in Everyday Life" keynote at the October 2013 Embedded Vision Summit East. Munich speaks about adapting highly complex computer vision technologies to cost-effective consumer robotics applications. Munich currently manages iRobot's research and advanced development efforts. He was formerly the CTO

“High Speed Vision and Its Applications,” a Presentation from Professor Masatoshi Ishikawa
Professor Masatoshi Ishikawa of Tokyo University delivers the keynote presentation, "High Speed Vision and Its Applications — Sensor Fusion, Dynamic Image Control, Vision Architecture, and Meta-Perception," at the July 2013 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Meeting. High speed vision processing and various applications based on it are expected to become increasingly common due to continued improvement

Embedded Vision on Mobile Devices: Opportunities and Challenges
by Tom Wilson CogniVue Brian Dipert Embedded Vision Alliance This article was originally published at Electronic Engineering Journal. It is reprinted here with the permission of TechFocus Media. Courtesy of service provider subsidies coupled with high shipment volumes, relatively inexpensive smartphones and tablets supply formidable processing capabilities: multi-core GHz-plus CPUs and graphics processors, on-chip DSPs

April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit Overview Presentation: “What Can You Do With Embedded Vision?,” Jeff Bier, Embedded Vision Alliance
Jeff Bier, founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and co-founder and President of BDTI, presents the "What Can You Do With Embedded Vision?" overview presentation at the April 2013 Embedded Vision Summit. This presentation is intended for those new to embedded vision, and those seeking ideas for new embedded vision applications and technologies. Jeff Bier

December 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Summit Technology Trends Presentation
Embedded Vision Alliance Editor-in-Chief (and BDTI Senior Analyst) Brian Dipert and BDTI Senior Software Engineer Eric Gregori co-deliver an embedded vision application technology trends presentation at the December 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Member Summit. Brian and Eric discuss embedded vision opportunities in mobile electronics devices. They quantify the market sizes and trends for smartphones and

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Presentation: “Introduction to Embedded Vision,” Jeff Bier, Embedded Vision Alliance
Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and co-founder and president of BDTI, presents the day-opening "Introduction to Embedded Vision" tutorial at the September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Topics discussed by Bier in his presentation include a technology overview, application examples, hardware, software and development tool trends, and an overview of the Embedded Vision

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Afternoon Keynote: Gary Bradski, OpenCV Foundation
Gary Bradski presents the afternoon keynote at the September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Bradski is President and CEO of the OpenCV Foundation and Founder and Chief Technical Officer of Industrial Perception Inc. The "father of OpenCV" (the Open Source Computer Vision Library), Bradski has been the director of its development for more than 14 years,

September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit Morning Keynote: Professor Rosalind Picard, MIT Media Lab
Professor Rosalind Picard presents the morning keynote at the September 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Professor Picard is the founder and director of the Affective Computing Research Group at the MIT Media Laboratory, co-director of the Things That Think Consortium (the largest industrial sponsorship organization at the lab) and leader of the new and growing Autism

March 2012 Embedded Vision Alliance Summit Panel Discussion
Jeff Bier, Founder of the Embedded Vision Alliance and co-founder and president of BDTI, moderates the panel discussion "Beyond Kinect; From Research to Revenue," at the March 2012 Embedded Vision Summit. Also participating are Jim Donlon (Project Manager, DARPA), Bruce Kleinman (Corporate Vice President, Platform Marketing, Xilinx), Bruce Flinchbaugh (Fellow and Manager of Vision R&D,